Navigating the Title IX Process with Legal Assistance

September 6, 2024 | By Shane Phelps
Navigating the Title IX Process with Legal Assistance

Being accused of a crime under Title IX can be a life-altering experience, especially if the accusation is unfounded. Title IX, a federal civil rights law, is designed to prevent discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities. 

However, it is often associated with allegations of sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault, which can lead to severe consequences for the accused. If you find yourself wrongfully accused under Title IX in Texas, seeking legal assistance from an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help protect your future.

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Understanding Title IX and Its Scope: What is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal law enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. It states:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Gender Equality message on a card placed on a wooden table. Concept of equal rights and social justice.

While Title IX is primarily known for ensuring gender equality in sports and educational opportunities, it has a much broader scope. The law mandates that educational institutions receiving federal funding must address and prevent sex-based discrimination, which includes handling allegations of sexual misconduct. This encompasses a wide range of offenses.

Types of Crimes Under Title IX

Title IX violations are not limited to straightforward discrimination claims.

The law covers conduct that can result in serious criminal allegations:

  • Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. This can occur between students, faculty, or staff members.
  • Sexual Assault: Any non-consensual sexual act, including rape, groping, or forced sexual contact, falls under this category. Accusations of sexual assault can have severe consequences, both within the educational institution and in the criminal justice system.
  • Domestic and Dating Violence: Title IX also covers cases of violence between individuals in a romantic or domestic relationship. Allegations of domestic or dating violence can lead to both Title IX proceedings and criminal charges under Texas law.
  • Stalking: Repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, or other conduct that causes a reasonable person to fear for their safety. Stalking can also lead to severe repercussions under both Title IX and Texas law.

The Title IX Process: What to Expect

The Title IX process typically begins when a complaint is filed against you. This can be done by a fellow student, faculty member, or staff member. Once someone files a complaint, the educational institution must investigate the allegations promptly and equitably.

Key Steps in the Title IX Process:

  • Notice of Allegations: You will receive a formal notice of the allegations against you. This notice should include details of the conduct in question, the identities of the parties involved, and the specific Title IX provisions that are alleged to have been violated.
  • Investigation: The educational institution will conduct an investigation, which may involve interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence, and reviewing relevant documents. You will have the opportunity to present evidence and respond to the allegations.
  • Hearing: In many cases, the Title IX process includes a hearing where both parties can present their case. During the hearing, you can cross-examine witnesses, either directly or through an advisor. The hearing panel will then determine whether a Title IX violation occurred.
  • Decision: After the hearing, the decision-maker(s) will issue a written determination regarding responsibility. If you are found responsible for a Title IX violation, the institution may impose sanctions, such as suspension or expulsion.
  • Appeal: Both parties have the right to appeal the decision. Grounds for appeal may include procedural errors, new evidence, or the severity of the sanctions imposed.

The Role of a Defense Lawyer in Title IX Cases

Navigating the Title IX process can be overwhelming, especially when the stakes are so high. A skilled defense attorney can provide invaluable assistance throughout this process, helping you protect your rights and build a strong defense.

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How a Defense Lawyer Can Help

  • Understanding Your Rights: A defense attorney can help you understand your rights under Title IX and Texas law. This includes your right to a fair and impartial investigation, the right to present evidence, and cross-examine witnesses.
  • Advising You During the Investigation: The investigation phase is key, and anything you say or do can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. Your attorney can advise you on how to respond to questions, what evidence to provide, and how to protect yourself during the investigation.
  • Representing You at the Hearing: Title IX hearings can be complex and intimidating. A defense attorney can represent you during the hearing, ensuring that your side of the story is heard and protecting your rights. Your lawyer can also cross-examine witnesses and challenge any evidence presented against you.
  • Building a Strong Defense: If you are facing criminal charges in addition to the Title IX allegations, your attorney can work to build a strong defense in both arenas. This may involve gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and challenging the credibility of the accuser.
  • Appealing an Adverse Decision: If you are found responsible for a Title IX violation, your attorney can help you appeal the decision. This may involve identifying procedural errors, presenting new evidence, or arguing that the sanctions are too severe.

How Does Title IX Interact with Texas Law?

While Title IX is a federal law, its implementation can have significant implications under Texas law. If you are accused of a Title IX violation, the consequences can extend beyond the educational institution to the state legal system. Here’s how:

Criminal Charges

Cropped image showing a close-up of male hands in handcuffs.

An accusation under Title IX can lead to criminal charges in Texas. For instance, if you are accused of sexual assault or domestic violence, the university may refer the case to law enforcement. If this happens, you could face prosecution under Texas law, leading to potential penalties such as imprisonment, fines, and a criminal record.

Protective Orders

In cases involving allegations of violence, such as domestic or dating violence, the alleged victim may seek a protective order under Texas law. A protective order can restrict your movements, prevent you from contacting the accuser, and affect your ability to live and work freely.

Impact on Your Future

A Title IX accusation can have long-lasting effects on your academic and professional future. In addition to criminal penalties, you could face expulsion, suspension, or other disciplinary actions from your educational institution. This can tarnish your reputation, limit your career opportunities, and affect your ability to transfer to other schools or pursue advanced degrees.

Let an Experienced Defense Attorney from Shane Phelps Law Help You Navigate the Title IX Process

The Title IX process is complex, and the consequences of an adverse finding can be life-altering. By seeking the assistance of an experienced Title IX defense attorney, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you have the best possible chance of clearing your name. 

At The Law Office of Shane Phelps, we understand the challenges you are facing, and we are here to help. Our team is committed to providing compassionate and effective legal representation to individuals accused under Title IX.

If you or someone you know is navigating the Title IX process, contact us today for a consultation. We will work tirelessly to protect your rights and your future. Let us help you ensure that your side of the story is heard.

Call our Bryan, TX firm at (979) 775-4100 or contact us online. Our legal team is available 24/7 to help you.

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Shane Phelps

Lead Attorney

As founder of Shane Phelps Law, Bryan/College Station criminal defense attorney Shane Phelps has a reputation as a leading trial lawyer in the Central Texas area. With decades of experience as both a prosecutor and a criminal defense attorney, Shane has tried more than 300 jury trials, everything from DWI to Capital Murder.

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