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Texas Robbery Charges
Robbery is defined under Title 7 Chapter 29 of the Texas Penal Code….
How Road Rage Can Lead to Criminal Penalties in TX
Whether a driver cuts you off or you’re stuck behind a slow-moving…
Getting Off the Sex Offender Registry
The sex offender registry can feel like a ball and chain. There…
Explaining Your Criminal Record in a Job Interview
Moving forward with your life after a criminal conviction can be difficult…
Domestic Violence & Protective Orders in Texas
If a Texas resident is arrested for domestic violence, not only will he/she…
Domestic Violence Laws in Texas
Domestic violence involves an act of violence committed against a family or household…
Deferred Adjudication
If you have been charged with a crime, you may have heard…
Texas Parental Kidnapping
The simple answer to the above question is “yes.” Under certain circumstances…
Can Texas Castrate Accused Sex Offenders?
There’s a growing movement in the US that threatens to return us…