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Texas Parental Kidnapping
The simple answer to the above question is “yes.” Under certain circumstances…
Can Texas Castrate Accused Sex Offenders?
There’s a growing movement in the US that threatens to return us…
Chemical Test Refusals
As in all states, Texas has an “implied consent” law that goes…
What is Cyberbullying?
Decades ago, bullying only occur on school grounds and other public areas…
What Are Ransomware Attacks?
Although not new, ransomware attacks are becoming more prevalent in today’s digital…
Viral Video Shows Young Woman Licking and Replacing Ice Cream
In June of 2019, a viral video surfaced showing a young woman…
What is the Texas Junk Science Law?
From blood-stain pattern to bite mark analysis, there are a wide variety…
New Law Increases Penalties for Hit & Run Charges
In Texas, if you are involved in an accident that results in…
Marijuana Charges Enhanced When Possessed in a School Zone
In recent years, vaping has become increasingly popular. Vapes are battery-powered devices…