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Tonight on CNN: “An Unreal Dream”
In 1987, I sat in a Williamson County courtroom and watched and…
Of Beaumont, Justice, and Waffles
My criminal defense practice has grown considerably in the past two years. So much…
Life or Death? Who Decides?
The Harris County District Attorney’s Office has decided not to seek the…
Have you read the Declaration of Independence?
Two hundred and thirty seven years ago a group of patriots, fed…
Florida v. George Zimmerman: Was Justice Served?
Against my better judgment, I weigh in on the Trayvon Martin case,…
Finally, “Open File” is the Law
More than 25 years ago, as a young law student working for…
Defendants: Human Beings or Just Another File?
In the years I worked as First Assistant District Attorney in Brazos…
A year later…and it still hurts
One year ago tomorrow, August 13, 2012, I was picking a jury…
A Cell Phone is Not a Pair of Pants
This was the issue addressed in oral arguments before the Texas Court…